Our history stretches back to 1946 when the State Przedsiębiorstwo Energomontażowe Przemysłu Węglowego „Energomontaż PW” S.A. was established. The company specialised in industrial power engineering and took part in the post-war reconstruction of the country during the first years of its existence. Energomontaż’ operations were focused on the construction of water and steam boilers and steam turbines in the mining and sugar sector. In the following decades, the company was developing itself very dynamically proposing a variety of specialist services to other branches of industry and heating sector – from turnkey construction of facilities to sector works, like mechanical, electrical, and measurement and control system works.

Since 2000, we have been a part of the Introl Capital Group.

Furthermore, in 2015, we have been reinforced by taking over the organised part of the parent company with the department of general contract implementation, electrical division and isotopic technique department.

Thanks to professional knowledge and experience, solid financial background and possibility to benefit from the know-how of other engineering companies belonging to the Group, and also strong synergy effect, we have developed ourselves even more. Over the years, we have gathered valuable and extensive experience in the construction of gas cogeneration systems, municipal waste incineration plants and flue gas clearing systems from coal-fired boilers.

Today, we offer a wide range of production and services enabling a comprehensive implementation of investment, starting from an initial design concept, to production, assembly and servicing. We care about the atmosphere at work, we managed to create a place where young engineers can take handfuls of knowledge from decades of experience of their older colleagues and continue the Silesian work ethos not straining from technical innovations.